Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Path to Sept 11th

Various Impressions:

ABC edited out the scene attributing Clinton’s indecisiveness from his detraction over the Monica scandal, yet, at least Clinton's people might consider that ABC had attempted to throw him an excuse. Should the scriptwriters have speculated if the legal battles over post-election victory presented any distraction from the Bush leadership’s ability to hit the ground running in the early months of their administration? Most new administrations have their victory acknowledged right after the November elections and can begin the transition. Gore’s people were still clinging to their office door jambs on January 2.

The actress best known for her role in 24 as the President’s unethical and manipulative wife was cast in the role of Condi Rice. Currently, that actress’s presence in any similar White House role evokes ugly associations with her earlier character’s flaws. The Path to Sept 11th gives Condi several slaps, but did she deserve to be associated with the sins of a fictional villainess?

Even after ABC edited part of Albright’s disputed scenes, the film still convicts her of suffering from a terminal merger of bureaucrat and lawyer. She emerges as an almost mythic symbol of mindless, grinding bureaucracy. The sort of peevish drone who cares more about the display of memos and statistical documentation in tidy file drawers; than their actual impact on human lives.

The specter of Sandy Berger looms over the burning towers in the role of the cowardly weasel. His physical presence exudes panic at the suggestion of taking responsibility. Berger is condemned for spending more energy avoiding making risky decisions, than worrying over potential Al Qaeda victims, including now deceased US allies.


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